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Monday, December 26, 2011

Experiencing Without the Ego

I saw what it was like to be present not as "me" but just present. It was that space of realizing that nothing is about me. I was actually experiencing but I wasn't there, just experiencing. The "withinness" was experiencing and I wasn't trying to make anything of it. It wasn't an intellectual 'insight.' I had nothing to say about this presence because it wasn't mine. I didn't have it. I was it. I realized what it meant to "stop the search." It's not lost unless I try to put it in a space to understand it, thus trying to convince my ego that "I got it." If I'm searching for "it" then it becomes impossible to "see." It can't be objectified, thought, perceived. No "it." No "me." To try to "grasp" it in any way with the mind is like gouging your eyes out and then trying to see. All in the empty, infinite moment of the timeless now. There is the only place I can be without me.