For information about or sessions in meditation, source consciousness awakening or life mentoring: 716-816-5464/

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Self become ego

True Self is being the "I am."  Ego-self is doing what you think you need and want, and doing what you think you ought to do as a compulsion whose authority is outside the Self.   True Self is without this or that as part of its being.  False or ego-self is sustained by dependency on this or that of the world that appears indispensable rather than mere appearance and impermanence.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Miracle and mystery of reality

Mysticism is recognizing and living in awareness of reality as both miracle and mystery.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Greatest Choice

Either the world is illusion or the true self is illusion.  Choose.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014


Transcendence is immanence become self-aware.  The Self that transcends, i.e., raises itself to itself as Consciousness, is beyond all of its appearances of self.  It is ecstatic, from the Greek, "ek-stasis," meaning "to stand outside of."  So the Self in transcendence stands outside itself, outside those appearances which are only its manifestations.  There is nothing wrong or undesireable about these manifestations, unless we see them as more ourselves than that Self which is the Source of all appearances.

Symmetry of Suffering

Anxiety is cancer of the mind.  Cancer is the anxiety of the body.

Inner Mirror

Consciousness is the face of our souls.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kinds of Effort

Effort as efforting is a willfulness that forces.  Effort as determination and commitment is a willingness that let's blossom.

To See the Infinite, to See the Self

Awareness is the face of the infinite, the Heart of the infinite, the space of the infinite.  When the Self becomes aware of itself pure and unconditioned, it sees all things from within the infinite.  Self-awareness is to see the face of the infinite as the immoveable moment of divine seeing in which all things appear and bow to God.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Self-acceptance and Reality

If I accept myself, the what and how of my experience of the world is also acceptable.  If I accept myself as loveable, then my experience is loveable.  If I see myself as perfect, then every moment is perfect.  This means also to "accept" the unacceptable.  But what is not acceptable?  Unless one rejects reality all is acceptable.  The very existence of now is the condition of the acceptability of now.  How can reality be unacceptable.  Let go of self-judgement.  Forgive oneself for one's seeming imperfection.  

After all, reality is not a foregone conclusion.  The past as well as future are here now.  We don't have to let one interfere with the other.  Accepting it all means the game isn't over.  Acceptance isn't surrender to the past.  It is waking up to the playful task of making reality, the reality you love.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Place Your Bets

Most Christians today believe that the anointing of the Christhood was only for Jesus.  Only Jesus could love like Jesus even though he implored that we love as he did.  He wasn't leading us on was he?  If not, then we can love like him;  we are gods; we are all children of god.

Still most protest that so few if any others reach the state of Jesus' enlightenment.  They end up believing it's not for us.  They end up worshipers at best.  It's odd, isn't it, that so few also end up winning the lottery and yet so many millions keep trying with a passion.  Why not continue to pursue one's own enlightenment, one's own salvation, one's own Christhood or Buddhahood with at least the passion that we bet on the world.

Surely No Consternation

Love is care without concern.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


When you are free, everything is a choice.  There is nothing left to gain.  But is there anything left to lose?  What if you lost your greatest love?  Should you feel pain?  Unless you did not really love how could you not feel pain?  Such pain is the reminder of how much you have loved.