Consciousness is the light of God. It is the light that illuminates the light of the world, even the light of the word. Within the presence of consciousness one is connected to God and to the world in a Christ-like manner.
Nothing that exists is closer to nor further from this consciousness. Within consciousness, as consciousness God and world meet. Moreover here is where one finds oneself. The self of consciousness transcends ego. One herein surrenders all Programs of Postponement and Programs of Personal Improvement. The ego project is surrendered and one realizes the Peace that passeth all understanding.
The spiritual path is salvaged from the myopic pursuit of a better ego, body or mind. Contemplation on the Word now becomes possible beyond personal and political agendas. One transcends the concernful care of worry and wishful thinking. There emerges a compassionate care rooted in absolute love and forgiveness.
Consciousness is the vehicle and bridge between abiding in God and participation in the world. It moves seamlessly between secularity and spirituality without losing the "I am that I am," existing beyond being, beyond time, beyond space and causality. The Self that I Am surrenders the personal, limited, conditioned, dependent, localize illusions of ego-identity and enters the finality of absolute Freedom, the manifestation of the truth of God's Love.