When one forces, strains or tries hard, efforting to achieve, change or avoid something, it's likely that the ego-self, the ego-judge, has taken over. It is propelled by that voice that says "should" or "should not." That part of ourselves that is unaccepting and sees lack in the self, drives us onward without ever being really fulfilled. Why? Because it runs anxiously from pain, fear, doubt and guilt, rather than passionately toward anything real, anything that actually resides within the truth of the self.
Rather than allowing ourselves to be playfully aligned with the intentions of god, the universe or authentic desire for the joy of the dance, this "ego-judge" coerces a painful, strident effort that destroys the joy of the journey. Rather than first feeling our desires and what we love to do and be, we strive to find something that will give us love. Rather than starting with love's direction, we calculate what will make us loving and loveable and try to effect it from without.
But when we honor the simple honesty of the immanent feeling of life itself, then we find that love of self that opens to the beauty of it all. Abiding in the heart, the feeling of life itself, the way that we can effortlessly walk blossoms in its truth. The ego-self wants the best for us but has been taught not to trust. It must be asked, "What do you really want for yourself, when the fear, belief in lack and emotionalities of all sorts are put in abeyance, and the heart is allowed to feel, speak and act?" When one lets go of the reproach of the world, the mind and the emotions, what do you really want? Go there. Let what you know be there.
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