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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Before Creation

In the book of Genesis the Hebrew phrase, " tohu wa-bhohu," which means without form and empty, suggests the primordial place of the godly realm prior to its expressive emergence in creation by language. It is the realm of the Garden. Word and meaning shape and present it to us for our use. There is nothing wrong with this. It is what we are as human beings. It is what we do.

But as children of God we can return to the Garden, to the infinite timeless place of innocence and play. Its possibilities help us not to take this world all too seriously as if we could perfect it beyond conflict and suffering. Yet the empty and formless is always there and the I that I am is the gateway of return. I can return whenever I suspend and surrender the illusion of perpetual and endless excursion out into the the seeming closure of the world. I am the return. I am the possibility of the infinity of the genesis of the Garden.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


When the wall of names and forms crumbles before our eyes, the Real appears. And it is you. Now One discovers the home that does not imprison nor impair the Bliss that you are.