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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Being here now is experiencing oneself as absolute presence.  This doesn't mean it is an experience of being present to what is present. That is the experience of relative presence.  Being Here Now is a matter of being present to the reality that one is the very substance of the "here now."  Being here now is being present to the fact that one is of the very nature of being here now.  The whatness of the "here now" is the fact that I am the here now.  It is not the whatness of what I am present to with a kind of deeper presence of mind.  It is not a particular place in space nor a finite moment in time.  I am that here now.  "Here Now" is the substance of what I am.  'Here' as space and 'now' as time are infinity and eternality seen through the names and forms of the mind.  Though space and time change, here and now always remain the same.  Being here now is an unchanging presencing.  Being here now presences one's true self.  And such presence is consciousness, the awareness of being aware.  It is an awareness of being present to some thing in the world or in the mind.