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Saturday, August 28, 2010


Gandhi once said that the only evil in the world is that running around in our own hearts. He then added that that is exactly where the battle against evil should be fought.

While meditating today and experiencing how my mind was wholly in control of my failed attempt to meditate this occurred to me: what could be more evil if not the source of evil than the minds hegemony over my ability to focus, relax, act or think clearly and purposefully. What could be more evil than this conditioned domination of oneself by one's self from within by one's own mind.

Possibly it is even more insidious than that. When we actually believe that most of the thoughts of the mind are essentially one's own we are at least twice removed from our own being, our own freedom and our own presence to the real. That is, we really in such a state can't think authentically and we can't feel about what is happening in the reality of the moment.

Most insidiously when I resign to abiding in mind I can't abide in the loving soulfulness of the Self. In short I make myself vulnerable to the illusion of the windmills that I choose then to fight. When I do fight that fight, I bet a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt.

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