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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Certainty and Security

Isn't it the belief that there is such a thing as 'certainty' in our lives that leads to the feeling of insecurity and the felt need or desire for security? Seeking certainty is avoiding experience, that is, the very experience of living into the future. The belief in certainty could come from a variety of sources not the least of which would be schooling that requires we provide the one right answer. Also, religions which turn the practice of faith into the dogmatic conformity to creeds and religious formulas are equally responsible for creating the need for certainty. Moreover cultural conditioning in needing to be right and the refusal or fear to be wrong are also sources of the obsession with certainty and security.

When failure in achieving such reassurance through certainty builds up, then its not uncommon for a person to despair and descend into confusion or pathological doubt. This seems to be the precondition for needing security and further certainties, each of which is likely to become more simplistic and therefore dangerous.

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