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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Waking Up

It must be consciousness itself that wakes up. If it weren't that, then somnambulism would not be possible. Consciousness as lucid dreaming must be analogous to "waking consciousness" waking up in the buddhistic sense. In a dream I am aware of the event occurring but it's happening to me. I'm not aware that I am aware of the conscious event. If I were to 'wake up' in my dream, i.e., become "lucid" in the sense of 'lucid dreaming' I can then have the dream rather than it's having or "doing" me. If I 'wake up' in waking consciousness, then is the case that I have a life and life does not have me? If I do not wake up in my waking consciousness, does this mean that my life is just a dream, in a sense no more real than the sleeping dream or, at least, no more in my control than the non-lucid sleeping dream?

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