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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Immanent Awareness Meditation

The acronym of this Post Title points to the existential yet spiritual fact that "I  A M."  That is, it points to what I am(and you are): "the" I AM.  This I AM is an utter, irreducible simplicity, not synthesized into nor determinable by any prior presence or experience.  It is One, the One whole, the Real.  It has the "last word."  It is moreover the first "word," as inscribed in the Gospel of John which says, "in the beginning was the word."  I would say, "in the beginning is the Word."  Christianity means to say the same thing.  That is, the IAM is neither past nor future; neither before nor after.  It is always 'alongside' as the One Real I AM without which nothing would be.  It is This that meditation, authentic meditation, locates and "realizes" even though it is what does the "realizing."  It is the Truth that turns life into a Communion, a non-idolatrous discourse(satsang) and meditation. 

Immanent Awareness lets the real be Real without trying to eliminate the intrusions of the real or making the Real more than it is, namely, the One and only One.  That is, IAM reveals the obsessive illusion of seeking after "bliss" or "peace" or "happiness."  At best such obsessive journeys end in being 'blissed out about,' 'blandly indifferent to,' or 'giddily grinning in regard to' the whole of life.  This latter is the loss of self and soul.

Locating the IAM allows the "real" to be "Real."  That is, It allows it to be without judgement of, believing in, trying to explain away or deny that which happens in One's world.  It suffers the world of the real without suffering it and turning it into a 'desert of the real.' 

The I Am is I myself, alive, present, aware and simply silently still.  Without regret, reaction, resistance, agenda, wishing or willing, yet just loving.

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